
Hi! We're Millennial Life

is something burning?

Published 7 months ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader,

Last night, I was almost asleep in my bed when something made me get up and recheck the house.

It's not uncommon for me to check and re-check the locks and the lights after everyone is in bed.

I'd already closed the house down, though, but I still felt like I needed to check it again.

Call it instinct, but once I got downstairs, I smelled something burning. I checked the basement, the oven, and then the dishwasher.

I couldn't find anything, but just to be safe, I left the dishwasher open so the dishes could air dry since the smell seemed to be in the kitchen somewhere.

I triple-checked the oven and made sure it was off. Then, I went back to bed.

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This morning, when I unloaded the dishwasher, I found a small plastic piece of my daughter's water bottle burnt and melted.

I'm not sure what happened or how it fell off, but it was definitely the cause of the burning smell.

I tell you this to remind you to trust your instincts. Pay attention to the little nudges. I couldn't even smell burning when I was upstairs in my room, but something told me to check the house again.

Leaving the dishwasher open for the dishes to air dry all night instead of letting it finish the cycle could have prevented a fire.

Have you ever had something like this, Reader? Or, have you ever followed a gut instinct about something and been right?

Hit reply and let us know.

Cat (& Andrew)

Millennial Homeowner

Hi! We're Millennial Life

by Millennial Homeowner

Hi! We're the team at Millennial Homeowner, and we run a newsletter called Millennial Life. Our list has over 12,000 subscribers, and we email our list 3-5 times a week. We love to work with people who are high energy, positive, and like to spread joy. We write about finding contentment, loving the home you're in, and becoming a smarter, happier homeowner.

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