
Hi! We're Millennial Life

you can work from anywhere

Published 10 months ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader,

This past week, I was at the beach with my extended family.

Because I am self-employed and work remotely, there have been a few work tasks I've had to do while at the beach.

My sister-in-law was amazed that I could get things done on my computer with kids running around and ocean sounds swirling.

The truth is, though, it's been well over a decade since I had an office job.

All I know is bringing my laptop from place to place, sitting down, and getting things done.

After 10+ years of working from home (and anywhere else) here are some tips for creating a little balance:

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First, if you decide to work remotely while your family is on vacation, it's helpful if you work early in the morning before everyone else in your group is awake.

I set my alarm to wake up a couple of hours before my kids, so I could really focus on them once the day got going.

The good news is the longer they spent at the beach, the more tired they got and the more they slept in.

Secondly, work in short bursts. Spend 30 minutes here and there doing quick tasks. I wrote an entire article sitting on the beach using voice to text on my phone.

Lastly, ask for breaks when you need it. I asked family members to help watch my kids, and I also asked for some work extensions.

I don't feel bad about working while on vacation because every day, I decide how long I work and what projects I devote time to.

This remote work allows me to travel without asking permission, and that's super nice. But, the downside is sometimes I have to take care of things while other people are on vacation having fun.

Overall, now that more and more people are working remotely, I can share that it's something you can definitely grow into and get used to.

Give yourself some grace and allow yourself some time to figure out what schedule works best for you and how you best like to work.

I'm wondering, how many people in our community work from home now? Do you work remotely, Reader? If so, do you travel more because you can work from wherever you want?

We're genuinely curious, so please write back and let us know!

Cat (& Andrew)

Millennial Homeowner

P.S. If you haven't already...

Hi! We're Millennial Life

by Millennial Homeowner

Hi! We're the team at Millennial Homeowner, and we run a newsletter called Millennial Life. Our list has over 12,000 subscribers, and we email our list 3-5 times a week. We love to work with people who are high energy, positive, and like to spread joy. We write about finding contentment, loving the home you're in, and becoming a smarter, happier homeowner.

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