
Hi! We're Millennial Life

by Millennial Homeowner

Hi! We're the team at Millennial Homeowner, and we run a newsletter called Millennial Life. Our list has over 12,000 subscribers, and we email our list 3-5 times a week. We love to work with people who are high energy, positive, and like to spread joy. We write about finding contentment, loving the home you're in, and becoming a smarter, happier homeowner.

never doing that again
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secret family recipe

Hey Reader, I was asking my kids in the car this morning about their favorite Thanksgiving foods. They, of course, gave me favorite Thanksgiving food combos. My daughter said she loves gravy, turkey, and mashed potatoes. My son said he loves turkey, cornbread, and cranberry sauce. I, personally, prefer leftovers. There's nothing better than a hot turkey sandwich with cranberry sauce on a bun! Of course, the holidays are more than cooking up a secret family recipe. They're also about spending...

6 months ago • 2 min read
never doing that again

Hey Reader, Last night, I was almost asleep in my bed when something made me get up and recheck the house. It's not uncommon for me to check and re-check the locks and the lights after everyone is in bed. I'd already closed the house down, though, but I still felt like I needed to check it again. Call it instinct, but once I got downstairs, I smelled something burning. I checked the basement, the oven, and then the dishwasher. I couldn't find anything, but just to be safe, I left the...

7 months ago • 1 min read
never doing that again

Hey Reader, Yesterday, I sent an email sharing how much I was enjoying renting and how I feel so much less stressed. I don't think many of us take the time to consider how much homeownership affects our mental health. This can mean a positive correlation, of course. Home is where the heart is, after all. Your home can be a place of comfort, a respite from the outside world. It can be the place you curl up with a book or play with your kids. It can be the setting for family movie night and the...

7 months ago • 1 min read
never doing that again

I cannot believe the year is more than halfway over, Reader. Time flies by so fast. Before you know it, the leaves will be turning new colors and there will be pumpkin spice everything everywhere. If you're looking for some last-minute summer activites that are affordable and easy to do without taking a trip, here are some ideas. Sponsored by CKSN - Creator Network Grow your newsletter faster without working harder Are you tired of spending hours on social media or relying on algorithms to...

10 months ago • 1 min read
never doing that again

Hey Reader, This past week, I was at the beach with my extended family. Because I am self-employed and work remotely, there have been a few work tasks I've had to do while at the beach. My sister-in-law was amazed that I could get things done on my computer with kids running around and ocean sounds swirling. The truth is, though, it's been well over a decade since I had an office job. All I know is bringing my laptop from place to place, sitting down, and getting things done. After 10+ years...

10 months ago • 2 min read
never doing that again

Hey Reader, I wish I could share the exact recipe for the good life or even how to achieve one perfect day. The truth is, each day is filled with some highs and lows. There are often happy moments and some mundane ones all mixed together. The hard days tend to stick out, but I know they are there to provide contrast. Without the tough times, we wouldn't know when we are experiencing a day that is really, truly amazing. The good news is, though, I think we can all inject a little bit more good...

10 months ago • 1 min read
never doing that again

Hey Reader, Right now, there are so many of you who just want to get your houses back in order to prep for the new school year. My kids don't start school until well after Labor Day, but I know many of your kids start in just a couple of weeks. Wild! So maybe you have kid summer toys or legos everywhere, and it's just time to put everything back in its place. With the incoming school year, it's a good idea to de-clutter the old to make space for the new. We know that decluttering can be a...

10 months ago • 2 min read
never doing that again

Hey Reader, Every night, before my twins and I eat dinner, I ask them what they're grateful for. Sometimes, I get serious answers like they are grateful for the food in front of them. Other times, they make me laugh saying they're grateful for YouTube, their iPads, our dog, or the ice cream in the freezer. It's a good habit we've gotten into over the years, and I'm so glad we do it. I'm curious, do you have a gratitude practice? It's kind of a buzzword these days, but I've learned if we start...

10 months ago • 1 min read
never doing that again

Hey Reader, Sometimes big house updates and renovations can take months. But, you'd be surprised at how much you can spruce up your curb appeal in one weekend. If the front of your house feels meh, we have several tips below that are really easy updates. The best part is you can complete all of them in one weekend. Keep reading for some ideas... Sponsored by CKSN - Creator Network Grow your newsletter faster without working harder Are you tired of spending hours on social media or relying on...

10 months ago • 1 min read
never doing that again

Hey Reader, A few days ago I was talking to an acquaintance on Instagram who just had a baby. Her baby is a beautiful little girl, and every picture she takes of her shows her looking like a little perfect angel baby model. I told her so, and she thanked me but responded that she had no idea how hard being a parent would be, and she couldn't believe I had twins. What I told her, and what I've shared a few times before is way back 9+ years ago when my twins were born, I got so wrapped up in...

10 months ago • 2 min read
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